Everyone Opinions Matters ??????

SO today we are going to discuss about "#OPINION"
My first question is that it is necessary that we count each 
and everyone "OPINION"???.

See in INDIA we all have one"Big OPINION Shop". And we all go buy opinions of others everyday but for different topics.
We INDIANS carry's opinion shop and no one ask for their opinion than also they will give. After donating opinions of them they will confuses us. Earlier we were not confused but now we are. So why to listen each and every person and discuss about our problems or tasks. 
I thinks that if you want ask than ask a person who has experience of it or it is trustable  persons.

Stop asking because everyone has different pint of views, they will confuses you more because of that confusion you will ask more different people and again you are confused.

In INDIA  major time of confusion arises at particular time of period. I do have list of main confusion arises.

1. When child passes 10 std, Now child is going to ask each and every person that  should i take SCIENCE,COMMERCE, ARTS. So from starting from home to our distant engineer relatives. But child has to think he has interest in which stream. And mostly give similar opinions in different ways.
So always ask to our-self.
 2. Another  comes after 12 std Which collage is better for me, after same process.

I think that we should take others opinion as second preference and our opinion should be first preference.
because we do for ourself not for others. So we have understand no one will understand what do you think so 
do that you wish.

I would like to say that if you are going to start new thing in our life,business,job,choosing your stream,profession and anything. Please don't  think what will our society think. 
Just leave them ignore them if they are pushing down.
Remember  one day that they will give more respect love more than previous period of time.
Once you do what you love than not a single opinion will confuses you. 
Don't be afraid of society do what you love and one day society will make you example for coming  generations.

First decide that facts matters or opinion ???

So always take facts first rather than wasting time on asking others opinion.



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